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July 28th Track Day Cancelled

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We had hoped to have the insurance in place for the July 28th track day. We are making progress but are forced to cancel the 28th as the policy will not be in place in time.

We are forecasting to up and running for August as will update as soon as we can.

This is a first for us in over 16 years and we apologize as we navigate this issue.


2024 Intermediate Group Changes

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Starting in 2024, we are splitting the Intermediate group into Intermediate LITE and Intermediate MAX. Each group will have their own riding session.

Smaller cc motorcycles such as Ninja 300, Ninja 400 and other smaller displacement motorcycles as well as riders with slow straightway speeds would enter into Intermediate LITE.

Larger displacement motorcycles with higher straightway speeds would enter into Intermediate MAX.

We have a large amount of smaller cc riders and with that our goal is to improve the riding experience with different kinds of motorcycles.

Based on turnouts we may combine the two group back into a general Intermediate during the year.

Click Here to get registered!

florida trackdays

January 25 Track Day Format

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For Monday January 25, Florida Trackdays is going to hold a track day with a reduced riding group format.

There will be only two riding groups available for registration. One group will be for more advanced level riders and one group for more intermediate level riders. Each group will alternate twenty minute riding sessions. With one hour break for lunch, each group will receive 3.5 hours of riding time during the day.

Registration will also be restricted for each riding group to approximately 20 riders for each group to maximize riding time.

The cost for the day is $500 per rider.

Click Here to get registered!